weekend links: Toni Morrison, Fusebox Festival, women editors
Lisa Tan, still from Waves (2014-15). Image courtesy of Hyperallergic.
As an editor at Random House, Toni Morrison tried to usher in a new era of black literature. And yet today—while we’ve recognized Morrison’s literary achievements—we’re so awash in “the unbearable whiteness” (h/t Junot Diaz) of American literature that it’s still “radical” to write about black people for black people. [New York Times Magazine]
The road to being a successful artist is paved with the trodden souls of Ivy League graduates-turned-personal assistants. Our most privileged young creatives are prostrating themselves for menial work in the hopes of making the right connections and eventually landing their dream jobs. So where does that leave the rest of us? [Dissent Magazine]
Dale Megan Healey explores “the intimate art of active reading” through work by artists Lisa Tan and Anya Liftig. [Hyperallergic]
For the past nine months, the team behind the Fusebox Festival has been tasked with envisioning a use for 24 acres of land in East Austin. This week, they debuted their “living charrette,” an in-progress space that will host for four days installations, concerts, screenings, and more. [Austin Chronicle]
You may be familiar with VIDA’s annual statistics on women in the lit mag world. Litragger takes it a step farther, with a breakdown of lit mag editors by gender. [Litragger]
—Alyssa G. Ramirez