weekend links: violent theater, Book Marks, William Minke

William Minke
William Minke

William Minke, End of Crisis. Image courtesy of It's Nice That.

Chicago’s Profiles Theatre has seen its share of acclaim for its “vicious and real” performances. But little did audiences know how real they were, until this shocking portrait exposed the lengths to which one man went to achieve what “the truth requires.” [Chicago Reader]

Everyone hates Citizens United: It gave birth to unlimited political spending and the rise of the Super PAC. But what if there were a Super PAC run by artists, with the goal of infusing art into our political discussion? It doesn’t make Citizens United any less terrible, but it might make politics less so. [artsy]

Lit Hub’s new website Book Marks, a “Rotten Tomatoes for books,” has sparked a fascinating discussion about the differences between film and literary criticism. [New Republic]

New York’s Film Forum takes a look at a few female filmmakers who made their marks in genre. [Village Voice]

Have you ever wondered where all that music in Penn Station comes from? Well, have we got news for you! [New York Times]

It’s summer! Let’s all go on a vacation of “continuous fun” and “seemingly lackluster truth.” Inspired by David Foster Wallace’s A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again, photographer William Minke documented a “journey of cruise ships” around Europe. [It’s Nice That­]

—Alyssa G. Ramirez and Sean Redmond