fields presents: Disparate Elements

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fields is happy to team up with grayDUCK Gallery to present Disparate Elements, a new reading series celebrating some of the most exciting authors working here in Austin and beyond. Disparate Elements brings together talented writers working in various styles and genres to create an eclectic evening of top talent. We don't identify themes or give them prompts to work with, but instead let the audience draw the connections between the works.

Our inaugural event features readings from Janalyn Guo, Richard Z. Santos, Tatiana Ryckman, and Callie Collins. It will take place on Tuesday, May 19, from 7-9 pm, with readings starting around 7:30. grayDUCK Gallery is located at 2213 E. Cesar Chavez St. Drinks will be provided, and new work by Elizabeth McDonald will be up as part of grayDUCK's latest exhibit, I ONLY KNOW PLENTY. If you missed the opening on Friday evening, it will be an ideal time to check that out as well.

For more information, please visit our facebook event page. We hope to see you there!

Janalyn Guo lives in Austin, Texas. Her fiction is forthcoming and has appeared in The Collagist, LIT, Birkensnake, Bat City Review, and other places. She holds an MFA in Fiction from Brown University. She is currently at work on a comic series about the ghost of an undead sea captain.

Richard Z. Santos is a writer and teacher living in Austin. His work has appeared in The Morning News, The Los Angeles Review of Books, The Rumpus, The San Antonio Express News, Kill Author, Kirkus Reviews, and many others. He’s finally close to completing his first novel and is working on a series of noir novellas.

Tatiana Ryckman was born in Cleveland, Ohio. She is the author of the chapbook Twenty-Something and is an assistant editor at sunnyoutside. Her work has appeared in a number of journals, including the most recent issue of fields.

Callie Collins' stories and essays have appeared in places like The Rumpus, The Toast, The Collagist, PANK, and NANO Fiction, among others. She is the codirector of A Strange Object, the fiction editor of Covered with Fur, and the cohost of Five Things. She lives in Austin, Texas.